Presbyterian Women (PW)
Presbyterian Women offers Christian Fellowship with an annual Christmas luncheon as well as monthly circle meetings. The PW serves lunches for the family and friends following each funeral, and takes up several mission-related offerings throughout the year. The PW gives our time, talents and financial support to food projects and elder care in our community, to the youth programs in our church and school system and to other needs of our church and congregation. We deliver flowers to shut-ins at Christmas time, serve lunch at funerals held in our church. We assist with Good Samaritan activities and welcome others to please feel free to help with Bingo games on Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p.m. The PW also sponsors a monthly birthday party at the Good Samaritan Home. The PW has one social event a year and if you would like to volunteer or help with this or have an idea for this event, please visit with the moderator or co-moderator.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:
to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study
to support the mission of the church Worldwide
to work for justice and peace, and
to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promises of God's kingdom
2021- 2022 Presbyterian Women Officers in the Congregation
Moderator - Dawn Haar Co-Moderator -
Treasurer - Nancy Williams Courtesy - Susan Jones
Publicity - Dee Sivertsen
All members belong to the Newcomer committee and the Visiting committee.
All members are invited to join the Circle group that is held at the most convenient time for them. These meetings for Bible study and fellowship are held September through May as follows:
Circle 1: Third Wednesday of the month at 8:00 P.M. at the Church Basement
Chairperson: Sue Jones
Secretary-Treasurer: Nancy Williams
Mission Projects
Mission Fund
LOCAL MISSIONS: This PW gives of our time, talents and financial support to food projects and elder care in our community, to the youth programs in our church and school system, and to other needs of our church and congregation. We deliver flowers to shut-ins at Christmas time. Nancy Williams and Sue Jones are in charge of this project. We serve lunch at funerals held in our church.
Good Samaritan Activities
Please feel free to help with Bingo games on Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 P.M. The PW also sponsors a monthly birthday party.
Yearly Activity
PW has one social event a year. If you would like to volunteer or help with this or have an idea for this event, please talk to the moderator or co-moderator.
Fall Luncheon
Harvest Offering Dinner & Country Store